Solar modules
Solar modules are the most obvious components of a solar system. They convert sunlight into electrical energy. This occurs via the photoelectric effect, i.e. the “knocking out” and “removal” of electrons from the solar cell material by the incoming light quanta.
The modules are not damaged, as the electrons are immediately “replenished” from the environment. In fact, the modules are very durable and some come with a guarantee of over 25 years on the specified output. However, there is a whole range of differences between the module types, particularly in the cell material, the contacting and the construction of the modules.

Cell material – monocrystalline vs. polycrystalline, perovskite
The cell material is an important factor in the selection of solar modules and influences their performance and efficiency. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar cells are the two most common types of solar cells on the market.
Monocrystalline cells are characterized by their high efficiency and performance, as they are made from a single silicon crystal, which results in a uniform structure. Efficiencies of over 20% and module outputs of over 400Wp (Wp = watt peak, i.e. the maximum output possible under ideal conditions) are already the standard here.
Polycrystalline cells, on the other hand, consist of several silicon crystals. They are generally cheaper, but are also less efficient than monocrystalline cells. This is why they are practically no longer found in modern solar systems where high yields are important. The fact that they have a very specific appearance in marbled blue, while monocrystalline cells are usually manufactured in elegant black, also contributes to this. As we all know, you can wear black with almost anything.
A cell technology that is not yet ready for the market but has a promising future is based on the mineral perovskite, which is very common in the Earth’s mantle. Perovskite cells have the potential to be produced more cost-effectively than conventional silicon cells and at the same time offer higher efficiencies. However, they are currently still too susceptible to moisture and have a shorter service life than silicon cells. A lot of research work is therefore still needed before the first perovskite modules are launched on the market.
Structure and contacting – PERC, TopCon, n-Type
The structure of solar cells has a significant impact on efficiency. Constant optimization and new developments are taking place here, which are pushing the potential yield ever further. For example, PERC (Passivated Emitter Rear Cell) technology has dominated for years. This technology has a reflective layer on the back of the cells that transports the long-wave light, which cannot be used in conventional cells, back into the cell and makes it usable. As a result, they also exhibit better low light and diffuse light behavior.
TOPCon (Tunnel Oxide Passivating Contact) cells are a modification of PERC technology. Instead of individual contacts on the rear, a full-surface passivating rear contact with a 1 nanometer thin layer of tunnel oxide is used, which further increases the efficiency.
Another area of innovation is doping. While doping silicon wafers with boron (b-type) was the standard until recently, the newer and increasingly popular doping with phosphorus (n-type) offers a larger number of free electrons that can be used to generate electricity, which also increases efficiency.
Construction – full cell, half cell, shingle technology, bifacial, glass-foil, glass-glass, plastic.
In addition to the cell material and structure, the interconnection of the cells is also important for efficiency. While only full-cell modules were sold until a few years ago, half-cell modules are now the standard. With these, the square solar cells are divided into two halves to reduce the resistance per cell. Half-cell modules are also divided into two independent halves (usually visible through a “separating strip” in the middle of the module). This makes them less susceptible to power losses due to shading.
The shingle technology, in which solar cells are arranged in shingle-like overlapping strips to further increase efficiency and improve the appearance of the modules, is new. They are usually manufactured in a completely black look and are the most elegant solar modules on the market.
Solar modules also differ in the “packaging” of the cells. The classic modules for rooftop solar systems are glass-foil modules, which have solar glass on the front and a plastic film on the back. They are the cheapest module variant and are very widespread.
Glass-glass modules, on the other hand, also have a glass layer at the back, which makes them heavier overall. Thanks to the transparent surfaces between the solar cells, they can also be used for particularly attractive roofs and have a particularly high fire resistance.
A new trend is bifacial glass-glass modules, which can also generate electricity on the back. These are particularly suitable for installation on light-colored and reflective backgrounds or for vertical, free-standing installation, for example as a solar fence. Under certain circumstances, they can increase the yield by up to 30%.
Where glass modules should not be used for structural reasons, plastic solar modules have been available for some years now. The panels made of glass fiber composite or ETFE are in no way inferior to classic solar modules in terms of efficiency, but cost a little more per watt peak and have slightly shorter warranty periods. On the other hand, they often weigh only a quarter of their glass counterparts and can be attached using the same mounting solutions as glass modules, provided they are fitted with appropriate frames.
Solar modules are available in many variants. When choosing, you should make sure that they suit your needs, installation location and budget. If you pay attention to these points, they will reliably supply electricity from the sun for many years. And that’s what matters in the end.

Assembly solutions
Fortunately, there is a large selection of solutions for all types of roofs, for installation on flat/garage roofs, for façades and also for balconies, terraces and gardens.
Roof shapes
The first step is to take a close look at the structure and load-bearing capacity of the roof. Not every roof is equally suitable for supporting the photovoltaic modules and at the same time ensuring sufficient solar radiation for a sensible system size. The load-bearing capacity is determined by a structural engineer or a specialized roofer/solar installer. The general solar irradiation can be calculated using free tools such as PVGIS and the possible yields for a specific roof orientation can be calculated using many different online tools. If there are sources of shade, such as roof structures (chimneys, bay windows, dormers, etc.) or trees and houses in the neighborhood, then you are well advised to hire a specialist to calculate the appropriate size and placement of the system.
The second step is to select the right mounting systems. A distinction is made here between roof shapes.
Tile/tile roof
Sheet metal/bitumen roof
In contrast to tiled roofs, it is not possible to maintain the upper roof layer without drilling holes in sheet metal and bitumen roofs. For this reason, subsequent sealing is used, for example with self-sealing screws, patches/tapes, liquid bitumen or liquid plastic. Hanger bolts are often used here to ensure under-ventilation, onto which aluminum profiles are then mounted. In the case of folded and some trapezoidal sheets, installation can also be carried out on the vertical parts. Leading suppliers of assembly systems have already developed solutions here. Appropriate systems are also available for barrel roofs.
Flat roof/garage roof/carport
In most cases of roof installation, a roof penetration is necessary in the end, because the cables for the connection to the house electrics usually have to be routed through the roof. These penetrations must also be professionally sealed to prevent leaks and water damage. Special lead-through elements, which differ depending on the type of roof, ensure a watertight connection.
The balcony or façade is usually the most obvious place to install solar modules to generate your own energy. Due to the mostly vertical installation, slightly less yield can be expected overall than on the roof, but even such systems can pay for themselves financially after a few years. This is also due to the fact that in winter they deliver slightly higher yields than roof systems, as the sun is lower and therefore has a better angle of incidence on vertical modules. Sometimes systems with an elevation angle are also available, but due to the possible stronger wind load, you should pay close attention to the information on the wind zone, mounting height and terrain category or ask for it.
For façade mounting, systems with aluminum rails are usually used, which are screwed to the façade and on which the modules are then fixed with module clamps or linear systems. If a building is already planned with solar elements during construction, this is referred to as “BIPV” (Building integrated PV). In this case, special building law requirements for the solar modules must be observed.
There are a number of different systems that can be used for mounting on balconies, from brackets that enclose the handrail to mounting rails that can be clamped or screwed. If balconies need to be newly built or renovated, parapet elements with integrated solar modules can also be used. These are usually designed in a semi-transparent, frameless glass-glass version and are particularly aesthetically pleasing.
Note for tenants/property owners:
Attachment to a balcony or façade impairs the appearance of the façade. In addition, the installation of solar modules often requires structural changes such as drilling holes in the parapet/building envelope or similar. In this case, according to the current legal situation, the consent of the landlord or the community of owners must be obtained in advance. However, this does not apply, for example, to a solar module located on balcony areas or roof terraces that cannot be seen.
In addition, the legal situation is currently changing. A “privileging” of certain forms of photovoltaics in tenancy and residential property law is to be expected in the near future, which will include a fundamental approval of such projects. Nevertheless, landlords or owners’ associations can still specify how the project is to be implemented. It is still unclear how far these requirements can go.
A more recent development is solar fencing, which is available either as a complete system or as a retrofit kit for existing fences. The use of bifacial modules can be worthwhile here, especially for a fence that runs from north(west/east)den to south(west/east)en. These also generate energy on the back, which can be used for the morning/evening hours.

MPP controller
As the name suggests, string inverters work with strings, i.e. strings of several solar modules that are connected in series (always the plus plug of one module to the minus plug of the other module). This series connection ensures that the voltage of the individual modules is added together. While this would mean instant death for micro inverters, string inverters can withstand this high voltage without any problems. However, they have a decisive disadvantage: all modules must face in the same direction and must not be shaded differently. The following applies to a modular string: The string is only as strong as its weakest part. If a module is shaded, the output of the entire string still drops to that of the shaded module, even if the sun is shining on the other modules.
Microinverters do not have these problems. They do not work with strings but only offer space for one module per connection. Each connection in turn has its own MPP controller, so that the MPP is still controlled separately for each module in an inverter with two connections. It therefore makes less of a difference if a module is in the shade. The other still continues to supply energy.
In addition, micro inverters are also much smaller and more weatherproof thanks to simpler temperature management at lower voltages. The micro inverters can then be coupled together for solar systems. The current is looped through so that at the end a string of micro inverters only needs one connection, which then bundles the power of all the individual inverters.
This makes it clear that module inverters may be the better choice for systems with foreseeable shading. However, string inverters are usually cheaper in comparison, as only one is normally needed, which is why they are much more common.
Communication standards
Quality products also observe the rules of data security and have strict encryption strategies as well as data centers within European borders. Particularly in view of the future requirements for a smart and adaptable electricity grid, care should be taken today to ensure that communication interfaces such as W-LAN or 5G are available, which can also be used for integration into energy communities, virtual power plants and flexibility offerings.

What return can a PV system generate?
Here are some calculation examples: (20-year operating period from 2024)
Source: Stiftung Warentest yield calculator
Conditions: Surplus feed-in, electricity price: 32 cents, operation: 2%, electricity price increase: 2%, yield p.a.: 950kWh/kWp, no replacement of the storage system
The conditions that must be observed for calculating the potential return are briefly described below.
Acquisition, installation, connection
If the system is installed on an open area or on a flat roof with elevations, you can do the installation yourself and save a lot of money. However, climbing onto the roof and bending roof tiles is not everyone’s cup of tea. If you would like to use the services of a specialist for the installation, then you are often referred to the respective specialist company when purchasing the components. They sometimes still make a return on the sale of these and therefore often do not offer the installation of a system purchased by the operator himself. Safety and warranty reasons also play a role here.
A specialist should always be consulted for the electrical connection. In most cases, it makes no difference whether the system was purchased and installed by yourself or by a specialist company.
If you buy a PV system yourself, it is currently available for well under € 1,000.00 per kWp. Prices for storage systems are falling continuously and are often already well below € 1,000.00 per kWh. Therefore, it is primarily the costs for labor and equipment such as lifting platforms that drive up the overall price. It is therefore worth doing it yourself and obtaining comparative offers.
Operation, maintenance, cleaning
Modern LiFePo4 batteries have a service life of around 15-20 years. If these have to be replaced, this may reduce the return considerably. However, it is still unclear how storage costs will change over the coming decades. A further drastic reduction is very likely but of course never certain.
Yield, location, orientation
A purely south-facing orientation produces a higher yield, but an east-west orientation can increase the proportion of self-consumption, as there is no midday peak and generation is distributed more evenly throughout the day.
The optimum elevation for a south-facing orientation is between 20° and 40°, depending on the latitude (steeper in the north, flatter in the south). Elevation systems often tend to be at 20°, as this also keeps the area exposed to the wind small and thus the necessary ballasting lower.
Share of own consumption
Self-consumption of solar power increases the return on investment, as one kilowatt hour of solar power can be generated for just over 10 cents, whereas electricity from the supplier costs an average of around 32 cents per kilowatt hour. It is therefore worthwhile to monitor your own consumption and generation.
An electricity storage system can drastically increase the self-consumption rate by utilizing daily surpluses after sunset. However, it should match your own consumption behavior and the size of your system. The rule of thumb is: 1 kWh capacity per kWp module output of the system. Precise calculations are possible with several free online tools. We recommend the HTW Berlin independence calculator.
Electricity costs & electricity price increases
Remuneration for electricity fed into the grid
Service life and power losses
Financing with a loan
Our friendly staff will be happy to answer specific questions about your project.
Registration of the solar system
Registration takes place in two places.

Distribution system operator
However, the distribution system operator is not the only body that you currently have to register with. A further registration must be made with the Market Master Data Register.
Market master data register
If you have any questions about registration, please contact our friendly team.

Battery storage for the PV system
Types of storage
Battery storage systems are charged and discharged with direct current. In order to make their energy usable in the household, which is operated with alternating current, they require an inverter, just like the PV system itself. There are storage systems that are charged directly from the PV system with direct current (DC coupling) and those that are connected to the domestic grid independently of the PV system (AC coupling). With the latter, the mains current has to be converted back into direct current to charge the battery, which means additional losses. On the other hand, an AC-coupled storage system can also be charged with grid power when the sun is not shining. This can be an advantage if you use flexible electricity tariffs, for example. Cheap electricity can then be stored for times of high electricity prices. An AC-coupled storage system can also be useful with regard to future economic models such as flexibility trading or P2P trading. DC-coupled systems, on the other hand, also work when there is no mains supply, i.e. in the event of a power failure. They can then be used via an off-grid or hybrid inverter for a self-sufficient power supply. However, this then runs via a separate connection and not via the usual household electricity.
If you want to make the entire household capable of providing emergency power, you need larger storage units and a professionally installed electrical system with additional technology. A completely self-sufficient power supply requires a large amount of PV area, which cannot be realized on conventional properties. This has to do with the greatly reduced solar output in winter, which can only be compensated for with a large number of solar modules. In addition, a storage system with high output power and large capacity is required for peak loads.
Types of use
If an energy management system is also used, this can be increased even further. The system uses control algorithms to ensure that the PV system, consumer and storage system are optimally coordinated so that even the last kilowatt hour of solar power can be used as efficiently as possible. There are already systems that incorporate the battery charge level, predicted consumption and even weather forecasts into the charging and discharging processes.
The simultaneous use of an electric car and a PV system with storage can exploit further synergies.
Economic efficiency
Many factors play a role in the calculation of profitability. The size ratio between the PV system and the storage system and their relationship to your own consumption behavior are particularly relevant. The higher the electricity consumption during the day and the smaller the PV system, the more of the PV electricity can be consumed directly, for example, which is detrimental to the profitability of a storage system. For larger PV systems or consumption that mainly takes place in the evening, however, a storage system is almost a must. Particularly in the long term, a PV storage system for PV systems from a size of 5 kWp almost always pays for itself within its lifetime. However, it should not be too large or too small, but should always be in proportion to the actual size of the system.
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